Author: Adventures

Teen 2.0: What Every Youth Worker Needs to Know about Their Teens

Teen 2.0 by Robert Epstein if a must-read for any parent or youthworker concerned about discipling young people. This book explores why American teenagers act the way they do, the cultural phenomenon of adolescence, and how much trouble the youth of America are in. Although a bit long (over 400 pages, including appendices), Teen 2.0 is very accessible and essential reading material for anyone who cares about the development of teenagers. I highly recommend it, but be warned: it will rock your world. Here’s a brief synopsis: Arguing that adolescence is an unnecessary period of life that...

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Short Term Mission Trips Make an Impact on At-Risk Youth

Interesting study on how short term mission trips make an impact on at-risk youth:   The Barna Group, a research organization that focuses on “the intersection of faith and culture,” recently released a study looking at the impact of short term missions and found what Adventures in Missions has seen in its own participants: short term mission trips change lives.    …According to the Barna study, 85 percent of the youth that were surveyed felt more loved by God and more than 80 percent said they learned new things about God and Jesus. Read more: The Impact...

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Reasons Why Christian Youth Don’t Share Their Faith

Here are some interesting reasons for why youth don’t share their faith in Christ, compliments of Brian Ford: They think the youth leadership team will do it for them – If all we do is preach Matthew 28:19-20, but don’t push them to take action they will always expect us to do it for them. They are afraid of rejection – It’s that point when you begin to share your faith in Christ and the person cuts you off before you even have a chance to get into the meat of the gospel story.  They lack the confidence – All of us at some point has and will experience...

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Missions Without Jesus?

A very interesting article in RELEVANT Magazine from last fall asks the provocative question: “Is missions about words or deeds?“ Here is an excerpt: Evangelical youth now hold the term “missionary at arm’s length, afraid of the colonialist connotations of the word. They prefer being involved in “social justice” under the auspices of a more generalized Christian sense of charity rather than operating under anything resembling (groan) “soul winning.” Certainly, this raises the ageless question of whether short-term missions are still effective...

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10 Commandments for a Short-Term Mission Trip

Here is my version of the 10 Commandments for Short-Term Mission Trips (I originally got the idea for this after reading a similar list of commandments for short-term missions on Trevin Wax’s blog). My 10 Commandments for Short-Term Mission Trips1. Remember that the primary function of a short-term mission trip is to partner with God in what he’s doing in a given part of the world.2. Always seek to serve those with whom you are partnering — whatever that may mean.3. Lay down your expectations and be ready for whatever the Spirit wants to do.4. Be flexible.5....

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Youth Ministry: Choices that Define Us

We all have choices to make. In life. In ministry. In following Christ. Here is a video of Clint Bokelman, sharing about his days as a youth pastor when he faced a tough decision he had to make. He tells a story about his youth group and church reaching a point of spiritual breakthrough that wouldn’t have happened had it not made a choice. Our choices that we make in this life matter. We’d love to hear from you and how you’re processing through this season. Is God leading you to make a choice? What is it?What is an example of a choice that you made in your life or ministry...

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